Welcome to RICA Subtest 2!
To be fully prepared to pass the RICA Subtest 2, which includes RICA domain 4 (Vocabulary, Academic Language, and Background Knowledge) and domain 5 (Comprehension), you will want to read this guide carefully to understand the material that will be covered in subtest number 2.
It is important to note, that in this review, we are providing advice specific to the Written RICA exam, and not the Video Assessment.
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How To Study for Subtest 2
You’ve landed on this page because you need to take and pass the RICA® Subtest 2, right? Great, because you’ve found the right page.
This site is dedicated to helping you pass your RICA Test on your next try, and in this article, we’ll breakdown the topics that you can expect to see in Subtest 2.
By the end of this article, you will have a firm grasp for the content that you’ll need to know in order to pass. Then, at the bottom, we present our test preparation material to help you get started studying the right material.
Quick Overview
Scroll through the images below to better understand Subtest 2. Then, keep reading below for an in-depth look at what to expect to see on your exam, and how to pass it.
Subtest 2 - Structure
To begin, let’s examine the structure of Subtest 2.
The table below shows that Subtest 2 is comprised of reading Domain 4 and 5, which includes Vocabulary, Academic Language, Background Knowledge, and Comprehension. Between the two, there are a total of six reading competencies to know that will be covered with approximately 35 multiple-choice questions. Subtest 2 also includes a total of two essays, or constructed-response questions, that you’re asked to compose a 75- to 125-word response for Domain 4’s question and a 150- to 300-word response for Domain 5’s question, respectively.
What Do You Need To Study?
Domain 4:
- Competency 10: Understand the role of vocabulary, academic language, and background knowledge in reading development and factors that affect students’ development of vocabulary, academic language, and background knowledge.
- Competency 11: Understand how to promote students’ development of vocabulary, academic language, and background knowledge.
Subtest 2 - About
Purpose: The purpose of Subtest 2 is to make certain that California educators are trained in and capable of providing students with the knowledge and skills to learn the important skills of reading. Teachers need to be well versed in providing effective reading instruction.
Multiple-choice questions: All multiple-choice questions are designed with four possible answers, but only one is the best choice. It is important to read all of the available options and to select the best option, as there is no penalty for guessing. Some multiple-choice questions include graphs, tables, charts, journal entries and other illustrations or diagrams, and you will want to quickly, but carefully review all the information to select the best possible answer.
Constructed-response questions: The typical format of the constructed-response, or essay questions includes the given information pertaining to and about a student’s reading ability using a real-life situation, along with supplementary information in the form of charts and/or diagrams. The test taker is then asked to discuss, describe, analyze, explain, or evaluate the given information and present a logical response, based on best practices for reading instruction.
Reaching a score of 220 is considered a pass for each RICA subtest.
- For multiple-choice questions: scored electronically and tallied based on the number of questions answered correctly.
- For constructed-response questions: A trained person judges the overall effectiveness of the response, according to the characteristics of reading instruction practices, teacher modeling, and student practice.
Subtest 2 - Best Strategy
Subtest 2 - Overview
Below, you will find the competencies that make up each of the domains that you must know to pass Subtest 2:
Domain 4: Vocabulary, Academic Language, and Background Knowledge
Competency 10: Vocabulary, Academic Language, and Background Knowledge: Role in Reading Development and Factors that Affect their Development.
Competency 11: Vocabulary, Academic Language, and Background Knowledge: Instruction and Assessment.
Domain 5:
Competency 12: Understand literal, inferential, and evaluative comprehension and factors affecting reading comprehension.
Competency 13: Understand how to facilitate reading comprehension by providing instruction that prepares students for the reading task, scaffolds them as needed through the reading process, and prepares them to respond to what they have read.
Competency 14: Understand how to promote students’ comprehension and analysis of narrative/literary texts and their development of literary response skills.
Competency 15: Understand how to promote students’ comprehension of expository/informational texts and their development of study skills and research skills.
How Long Should You Study For?
Subtest 2 Essay Introduction
Learn more about the two essay prompts that you will receive while taking Subtest 2 by flipping through the pages shown below.
Keep in mind, these are only a short bit about the essays. These slides are taken from our test preparation course that provides you with a complete step-by-step explanation for how to write a passing response for this section.
How To Pass The Essay Section
The written response section of Subtest 2 is often times the most feared part of the exam.
Many people feel they don’t have the confidence to write an outstanding essay response while taking a stressful exam, and others simply don’t know what to write about.
Don’t worry, because we have passing the RICA® Test down to a science.
Knowing What To Write About
Your RICA Test will present you with essays consisting of
- one focused educational problem and
- one instructional task
Make sure to read each essay prompt carefully, and think about how you will organize your responses.
According to the CTC Exams website:
“Written responses will be evaluated based on the extent to which they demonstrate knowledge and skills important for effective delivery of a balanced, comprehensive reading program.”
Finally, the administrator’s evaluation is based on performance characteristics that includes:
- Purpose: The examinee fulfills the prompt using relevant content and pedagogical knowledge.
- Application of Content: The examinee accurately and effectively applies this relevant content and pedagogical knowledge.
- Support: The examinee supports the written response with appropriate examples, evidence, and rationales based on the relevant content and pedagogical knowledge.
Essay Response Strategy
Now, let’s get into the most important section of answering your essay- creating a airtight response strategy.
You want to prepare for test day with 100% confidence that you will pass on your next try, and you will NOT have to take the time to restudy, repay, and retake this exam. It is too expensive, too time consuming, and much too important for your teaching career.
Let’s shoot for passing on your next try!
To help, we are laying out the brief, yet important, aspects to beginning to design your essay response strategy.
As we have mentioned above, these slides are taken from our on-demand online RICA® Test Prep Program, so these slides alone won’t get you to pass, but if you’re reading this, you are stepping in the right direction!
View the slides below, and let’s keep reading!
Mastering The Mindset
When writing your written response for Subtest 2, you’ll need to put your feet in the shoes of the RICA Test scorers.
- Imagine what they want to see.
- Imagine how they want you to write your essay.
- Think about what kind of formatting will make performing their job easier.
Continuing from the slides above:
Let’s begin by considering the view point of your RICA test scorers.
Remember that the RICA Test scorers are looking for your ability to demonstrate knowledge and skills for providing effective delivery using a balanced, comprehensive reading program.
Remember that balanced instruction uses reading, writing, listening and research.
Also, comprehensive instruction uses the four key components from balanced instruction to implement the gradual release of responsibility instructional strategy, which is the framework where the teacher splits a skill up in multiple lessons in order to first demonstrate how the task is most appropriately performed.
Then, the teacher and the students complete the same kind of task together,
where on the third lesson, the student’s demonstrate their ability to achieve the standard independently.
Lastly, don’t forget that these are only the first 3 steps in a cycle, where after a student completes a task independently, the teacher needs to analyze it. Then, the teacher will place the student’s score among a benchmark of meeting, not meeting, or exceeding expectations for that standard.
Use a balanced and comprehensive framework while implementing the gradual release of responsibility model for your essays.
Next, let’s discuss the mindset you should be in while writing your essay.
Your values and the RICA Test scorer values need to align.
Write using the frame of mind that you also believe reading instruction needs to be balanced.
Use RICA Test buzz words like, direct and explicit teaching that meets the needs of all learners.
And also, make it apparent that you believe and understand that the more exposure and time given to children for reading, the better.
Each of your essay prompts will be focused on real-life reading needs, and your RICA Test scorer is evaluating your written response based on your instructional strategy.
When writing your response, keep in mind that the test scorer is in the process of evaluating many other RICA Test takers essay responses.
This means write clearly, and concisely.
Use bullet points or subtitles to clearly label key points of your response.
Be direct, eliminate fluff words, and demonstrate your knowledge for reading instruction by using the actual names of the reading strategies and key words, found in the video lessons of this corresponding online test prep course.
Finally, remember to answer each part of the essay prompt!
Subtest 2 - Best Practices
Taking the RICA Written Exam is challenging, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed.
One of your best bets is to manipulate the things you can control to help you succeed. We recommend the following tips:
- Dress comfortably
- Get plenty of sleep the night before
- Eat a healthy meal before taking the test
- Use the bathroom before beginning the test
- Bring a bottle of water, if taking the test remotely
- Be confident in yourself, as this really matters
- If you feel yourself getting too nervous, take deep breaths to calm yourself
- Read the directions carefully and look at each word in both the question and solutions for the multiple-choice section, as well as the supplemental information for the essay questions
- Double check your answers
RICA Test Types
Computer-Based Testing
Taken in person at a designated testing center
Breaks: You may take bathroom breaks, but the time taken during the break is considered part of the testing time
Cost: $57
Results: Received within four weeks
Online Proctoring
Taken online with an appointed online proctor
Breaks: No breaks are allowed
Cost: $57
Results: Received within three weeks