Welcome To Our Partnership Page!

As a leading provider of RICA Test prep, we understand the importance of quality study materials. That is why we offer partnership programs to institutions to help their teachers-in-training prepare for the RICA exam.

Partnership Programs:

We believe that every student deserves the best possible preparation for the RICA exam. That’s why we offer a range of Partnership Programs, in collaboration with leading California universities, to ensure that all students have access to our trusted RICA Test Prep program.

University bulk licenses:

Provide your university’s faculty and students with access to our comprehensive RICA Test Prep program by purchasing a university bulk license for all of your students and faculty.

Cost Sharing Option:

Assist your students in preparing for the RICA exam by availing our cost-sharing option, where the university and student split the cost. Additionally, all faculty members receive access our test prep program for free.

Individual student coupons:

We understand that you may not be able to purchase test preparation for your students. For this reason, we are pleased to offer your students a highly discounted test prep rate through our individual student coupon program.

Get in touch!

Fill out the form to share your interest in our partnership programs.